Murder Suicide

Keith Russel Ablow
Murder Suicide
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An hour before inventor John Snow is to undergo experimental brain surgery, he's discovered outside Massachusetts General Hospital, dead from a single bullet wound. Did he commit suicide as the police suspect-or was he murdered? Forensic psychiatrist Frank Clevenger is about to find out. As he digs into Snow's complex past, he discovers a host of tortured relationships: The wife who can never forgive what Snow has done to their child and their marriage... The son who loathes him... The beautiful mistress who loves him deeply but can never have him... The business partner intent on taking control of his inventions... Whatever secret Snow took to his grave, it is casting a shadow of suspicion over the people who said they loved him. Now Clevenger must venture into a dead man's dark past to unearth the truth-in an explosive mystery of passion and betrayal.  
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 0-330-42763-6, 0330427636
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Pan Books
Cykl: Frank Clevenger, tom 5
Stron: 338


Keith Russel Ablow Keith Russel Ablow
Urodzony 23 listopada 1961 roku
Keith Ablow dorastał w Marblehead w stanie Massachusetts. W 1983 ukończył Uniwersytet Browna. W Tufts Medical Center odbył staż specjalizacyjny, a w 1987 otrzymał stopień doktora medycyny na Wydziale Medycyny Uniwersytetu Johna Hopkinsa. W latach st...

Pozostałe książki:

Psychopata Architekt Przymus Compulsion Denial Murder Suicide Projection
Wszystkie książki Keith Russel Ablow

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