
Lea Griffith
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Three years ago, Ruthie Copeland ran away from an erotic connection that shook her to the core. Now she realizes that Tobias Edwards is the only man who can give her what she craves. Determined to reignite the dangerous flame between them, Ruthie seeks him out at The Underground—and discovers a changed man. Though Ruthie, blind since childhood, cannot see the scars on Toby’s face that forced him to seal off his heart, her gentle submission eases the pain of her body’s only Master. Toby stopped feeling after Ruthie left, stopped expecting to find release in meaningless dominance play. Now that Ruthie has taken their dance to the limits of ecstasy, Toby’s lost in a haze of sensation. Yet the enemies that left him disfigured may reappear at any moment. Ruthie’s love gives him the strength to face those who seek to break him, but Toby fears he must leave her to save her life. More is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.   źródło okładki:
Data wydania: 2015-02-10
ISBN: 978-0-553-39453-5, 9780553394535
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Loveswept
Cykl: All Or Nothing, tom 2
Stron: 261
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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