The brilliant new novel from the bestselling cult author of them all. Susanand John need to disappear -- Susan and John need to find each other. MeetSusan Colgate -- Miss Wyoming. Winner of a hundred teen pageants, child TVsoap star, owner of a hideously pushy mother...and now reduced to small,brainless parts in small, brainless movies. Oh, and sole survivor ofFlight 802. If she were to walk away from the wreckage now, before theemergency crews get here, she could disappear and nobody would everknow...Meet John Johnson -- action film producer (Bel Air, BelAir P.I. 2), occasional sado-masochist, junkie. He just died -- but onlyfor 5 minutes. But while he was gone, he saw a vision of a woman's faceand realized that it was time to escape, to ditch the baggage of beinghorny, rich, lonely John Johnsond to lose himself. To disappear. Wouldn'tit be nice if they were to find themselves and get together? In many waysa reprise of Girlfriend in a Coma, Miss Wyoming represents a further leapforwards into the World According to Coupland -- a witty, genuinely funnylook at who we are, how we can change, and how we can make a difference.