Mergers Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities

De Pamphilis
Mergers Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities
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Most books on mergers and acquisitions focus on process management, human resource management, or the financial aspects of the deal. This book brings together the essential elements of each domain, including subjects that are often overlooked or treated only superficially by other texts. These subjects include post-merger integration, business alliances, deal structuring and strategies, financial modeling and simulation, assumptions-driven planning, and valuing intellectual property. This book is unique in that M&A activity is discussed as a series of interdependent activities and in the context in which each activity actually occurs. While intended for students in mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, business strategy, industrial organization, and entrepreneurship courses at both the MBA and undergraduate level, this text has broad market appeal. The material has worked quite effectively in both executive development and training programs. The book also has substantial appeal for those who are hoping to become or who are actively pursuing careers as financial analsyts, chief financial officers, corporate treasurers, operating managers, investment bankers, business brokers, portfolio mangers, investors, as well as corporate development and strategic planning managers. Others likely to have an interest include bank lending officers, venture capitalists, business appraisers, actuaries, government regulators and policy makers, and entrepreneurs. The generous use of practical, timely, and diverse examples and contemporary (including e-commerce) business cases with solutions makes the text suitable for distance learning, self-study, as well as for large lecture focused courses. The book presumes only a basic knowledge of accounting and finance
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-12-374012-0, 9780123740120
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press

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