Marketing Your Retail Store in the Internet Age

B. Negen
Marketing Your Retail Store in the Internet Age
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A primer on effective Information Age marketing for small businesses This practical guide gives specialty retail store owners a proven system for marketing their stores, allowing them to take on the dominant big box stores and Internet merchants. Filled with fresh and innovative ways to reach customers, it also shows owners how to create a great in-store experience and parlay any sale into a long-term relationship. Bob and Susan Negen show retail owners how to become truly customer-focused, creating long-term customer relationships in-store and continuing communication online. Bob Negen (Grand Haven, MI) is the founder of WhizBang! Training, a small business consultancy specializing in retail. He speaks regularly to businesses and trade associations. Susan Negen (Grand Haven, MI) is a former executive at retail giants like Bloomingdales.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-04393-6, 9780470043936
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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