Marketing Excellence

Hugh Burkitt
Marketing Excellence
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Marketing, in both a strategic and tactical sense, is basic to a company's success and survival. Surprisingly, many firms are still struggling to identify what good marketing is. Marketing Excellence sheds light on exactly why some of today's most successful marketing campaigns have actually succeeded. Based on the winners of Britain's prestigious Marketing Society Awards, the book includes case studies that detail why each company earned its award, with comments from judges and marketing experts. The book's roll call of the best of the best include Unilever, Toyota, Pfizer, Barclays Bank, the BBC, and Microsoft. Marketing is all about ideas. And "Marketing Excellence" is about good ideas made great. The companies it features have been selected because they are winners - both literally and commercially. Literally in that they have received Marketing Society Awards for their work in Britain; commercially in that these efforts have resulted in measurable market success. They come from a diverse range of markets; it's likely that some operate in yours. Written by two marketing thought leaders and featuring insights from a host of industry experts who have judged the Awards in recent years, here is a collection of brands and companies that are doing things right. From ketchup to cosmetics, it offers today's most revealing, readable and above all relevant lessons in "Marketing Excellence".
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-470-06027-8, 9780470060278
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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