Managing Investment Portfolios

J. Maginn
Managing Investment Portfolios
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"A rare blend of a well organized, comprehensive guide to portfolio management and a deep, cutting edge treatment of the key topics by distinguished authors who have all practised what they preach. The subtitle, "A Dynamic Process", points to the fresh, modern ideas that sparkle throughout this new edition. Just reading Peter Bernstein's thoughtful Foreword can move you forward in your thinking about this critical subject." - Martin L. Leibowitz, Morgan Stanley. ""Managing Investment Portfolios" remains the definitive volume in explaining investment management as a process, providing organization and structure to a complex, multipart set of concepts and procedures. Anyone involved in the management of portfolios will benefit from a careful reading of this new edition." - Charles P. Jones, CFA, Edwin Gill Professor of Finance, College of Management, North Carolina State University.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-08014-6, 9780470080146
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Wiley&Sons

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