LOST 3 Signs of Life

Frank T. Thompson
LOST 3 Signs of Life
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The worldwide hit TV series "Lost", which will be broadcast on Channel 4 from August 2005, takes place on a remote South Pacific island, where a plane crash has left 48 people stranded. The three novels that accompany the show will focus on survivors who are not main characters of the television plot - offering new and compelling stories and heroes for "Lost" fans. These new characters will have original adventures rooted within the show's continuity - they will cross with characters from the show, and even take a background role in major events seen on the series.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-905026-15-9, 9781905026159
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Corgi


Frank T. Thompson Frank T. Thompson
Urodzony w 1952 roku

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Król Artur Alamo LOST 3 Signs of Life Lost. Zagubieni. Tom 3. Znaki życia
Wszystkie książki Frank T. Thompson

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