Longman Anthology of Poetry

L. Mc Mahon
Longman Anthology of Poetry
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This major new poetry anthology blends the best selections from the poetic tradition with a wide range of contemporary works, thematic casebooks, and engaging essays that contextualize poetry century by century. Featuring a breathtaking scope of poetry from the English-speaking world, this diverse collection brings unparalleled historical and cultural background to the study of poetry, including discussions of the poetic conventions of the time and the poetic “fingerprints” of particular poets. Introductions by respected scholars provide historical context and thematic casebooks provide insight into key literary movements and demonstrate to students how to write effectively about poetry.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-321-11725-0, 9780321117250
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Longman Group

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