This publication offers a wonderfully comprehensive and integrated picture of the Labour immigration in the European Union. The book falls into five overlapping parts: Migration ? the Notion. The Review of Migration Theories; the Policy of the European Union towards Legal Labour Migration from the Third Countries; Polish Migration Policy. Principles of Admitting Labour Migrants into Polish Labour Market; the Situation on the European Union Labour Market as a Factor Shaping Labour Immigration; Labour Immigrants of the European Labour Market. The book sets a good standard for research on the Labour Market in the European Union. The Author accomplishes what is almost impossible ? a combination of a general and analytical approach. The book is an ideal textbook for courses on the European Union, comparative political studies and European politics in general. prof. dr hab. Konstanty A. Wojtaszczyk (Warsaw University) Publikacja powstała we współpracy z Wydziałem Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku.