Philipp Keel - uznany artysta i autor międzynarodowego bestsellera AllAbout Me, oferuje odpowiedź na zalew informacji, konieczność robieniawięcej w krótszym czasie i presję współczesnych trudności ekonomicznych."Simple Diary" jest dziennikiem uzupełnionym polami na wynotowanieprzemyśleń, pytaniami i ilustracjami pozwalającymi badać, prowadzić iudokumentować tą chaotyczną przygodę, jaką jest życie. Volume One (red) In a world where products are out as soon as they're in, wherecommunicating without wires doesn't come without strings, and even ouraccessories need accessories, we need simple tools. A book that helps uslook inside because we are overloaded outside. Why Simple Diary™? There are three reasons why most people, although they have tried, won'tkeep a diary: 1. Not every day is very eventful. 2. It actually takes a lot of discipline to write. 3. In retrospect, many find what they have written embarrassing. Keel's Simple Diary™ offers structure for those who don't have timeto wonder, making it easy to record life's moments. It gives the pleasureof a quick response and the sense that no matter what's wrong, more isright. What is Simple Diary™? It is an assistant for life, a book for any occasion, for any person atany age. On every page you will discover a taste of philosophy, a pinch ofpsychology and a twist of insight. And here are three things Simple Diary™ can do for you: 1. Entertain the mind. 2. Help you focus. 3. Keep you company. Simple Diary™ Let it happen.