This second edition of the successful textbook, Java in Two Semesters, provides a comprehensive treatment of object-oriented programming, covering both introductory material and the more advanced topics of a second level course. Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest release of the Java language, the new edition covers the most recent developments in Java programming. Part One presents the key concepts of object-orientation and takes the student from simple programming concepts through to inheritance and HCI. The second part of the book introduces topics such as advanced graphics programming, exceptions, threads, file handling and network programming, and culminates in a final chapter on Java in the context of the current software development environment. Based upon Java 5.0, the book includes topics such as generics, autoboxing and unboxing, a new chapter on network programming as well as a chapter covering the recently updated Java Collections Framework. Program control is covered by two separate chapters, and there is an entire chapter devoted to the implementation of methods. In addition to new technical developments, the book retains frequent examples, extensive end of chapter exercises, unique case study chapters, and offers a free student CD-ROM containing a Java IDE and all essential Java classes from the text.The second edition of the successful textbook, Java in Two Semesters provides a thorough grounding in object-oriented programming for students taking an introductory course in Java.Based upon Java 5.0, the book offers the most up-to-date coverage of the latest version of the languageSimple and accessible, assumes no prior knowledge of programming. Takes the student step by step from simple programming concepts through to inheritance and HCI, offering a complete course in Java. Effective pedagogy- running examples, extensive chapter exercises, 2 unique case study chapters, student CD of Java classes and IDE with text Features a new chapter on network programming, plus new coverage of the recently updated Java Collections Framework, more on implementation methods, and more on Swing for graphics programming.The book is packaged with a FREE student CD, containing a Java IDE and Java classes to be used alongside the textbook.