IT Ethics Handbook Right & Wrong for IT Professionals

Stephen Northcutt
IT Ethics Handbook Right & Wrong for IT Professionals
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The target audience for this book is any IT professional responsible for designing, configuring, deploying or managing information systems. This audience understands that the purpose of ethics in information security is not just morally important; it equals the survival of their business. A perfect example of this is Enron. Enron's ultimate failure due to a glitch in the ethics systems of the business created the most infamous example of an ethics corporate breakdown resulting in disaster. Ethics is no longer a matter of morals anymore when it comes to information security; it is also a matter of success or failure for big business.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-1-931836-14-2, 9781931836142
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Syngress

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