Introduction to Polymer Chemistry 2e

Charles E. Carraher Jr.
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry 2e
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As the first polymer book to receive the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title distinction (2007), Introduction to Polymer Chemistry provided undergraduate students with a much-needed, well-rounded presentation of the principles and applications of natural, synthetic, inorganic, and organic polymers. With an emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and materials, this second edition continues that tradition, offering detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules, inorganic and organic polymers, elastomers, adhesives, coatings, fibers, plastics, blends, caulks, composites, and ceramics. Using simple fundamentals, the author shows how the basic principles of one polymer group can be applied to all of the other groups. He covers synthesis and polymerization reactions, reactivities, techniques for characterization and analysis, energy absorption and thermal conductivity, physical and optical properties, and practical applications. This edition also addresses environmental concerns and green polymeric materials, including biodegradable polymers and microorganisms for synthesizing materials. Brief case studies are woven within the text as historical accounts to illustrate various developments and the societal and scientific contexts in which these changes occurred. Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Second Edition remains the premier text for understanding the behavior of polymers while offering new material on environmental science. Building on undergraduate work in foundational courses, the text fulfills the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (ACS CPT) in-depth course requirement. It also provides a test bank with answers for qualifying instructors.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-0953-2, 9781439809532
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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