Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism 4e

D. Bender
Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism 4e
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This fourth edition of a bestseller has been thoroughly updated and provides a clear introduction to the basic science of nutrition and metabolism. It explains the scientific principles underlying our current understanding of the interactions between diet and health; explores the scientific basis of dietary goals and recommendations; and provides an authoritative description of the basics of biochemistry. New features include a list of key points at the end of each chapter and the addition of open-ended case-based problems. The accompanying CD-ROM has been revised to include PowerPoint presentations, self-assessment exercises, simulations of laboratory experiments, and a nutrient analysis program.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4200-4312-9, 9781420043129
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.


David A. Bender David A. Bender David A. Bender is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, at University College London.

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