International Mediation

E. Carroll
International Mediation
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Across a broad range of business sectors, and with case values up to over $1 billion, mediation is emerging as an incomparably efficient means of solving international business disputes. Written by two of the foremost international mediation experts and practitioners, "International Mediation - The Art of Business Diplomacy, Second Edition" is an essential guide to the effective and timely resolution of international business disputes. Outlining the characteristics of mediation and highlighting its place in business conflicts, this highly practical book guides the reader clearly through the international mediation process: how does it work and what will it cost; what are the limitations; what skills are required; how are the outcomes enforced; and how can business best use mediation. More than any theory, the case histories and practical guidance in this book demonstrate how and why international mediation works. Managers and their advisers in global business will discover a powerful new way to resolve business conflict. The authors show how to use mediation techniques as a foundation for a more purposeful, strategic approach to conflict management in organisations.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-90-411-2579-8, 9789041125798
Wydawnictwo: Kluwer Law International

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