Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems

A. Yang, Yin Shan
Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems
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The universe is a massive system of systems -- for example, ecological systems, social systems, commodity and stock markets. These systems are complex, constantly adapting to their environment, and many are essential to the very existence of human beings. To fully understand these systems, complex adaptive systems research uses systemic inquiry to build multi-level and multidisciplinary representations of reality to study these systems.
Applications of Complex Adaptive Systems provides a global view of the most up-to-date research on the strategies, applications, practice, and implications of complex adaptive systems, to better understand the various critical systems that surround human life. Researchers working in the field of complex adaptive systems and related fields such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and data mining, as well as professionals in related applications such as defense, bioinformatics, and sociology will find this book an indispensable, state-of-the-art reference.
Data wydania: 2008-03-28
ISBN: 978-1-59904-717-1, 9781599047171
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: IGI Publishing
Kategoria: Informatyka
Stron: 352


Ang Yang Ang Yang joined the Division of Land and Water at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in 2007. Dr.Yang holds a Ph.D in Computer Science (UNSW, Australia), a MInfoSc in Information Systems (Massey University, New ...

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