Hydraulic Structures

P. Novak
Hydraulic Structures
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The fourth edition of this volume presents design principles and practical guidance for key hydraulic structures. Fully revised and updated, this new edition contains enhanced texts and sections on: environmental issues and the World Commission on Dams; partially saturated soils, small amenity dams, tailing dams, upstream dam face protection and the rehabilitation of embankment dams; RCC dams and the upgrading of masonry and concrete dams; flow over stepped spillways and scour in plunge pools; cavitation, aeration and vibration of gates; risk analysis and contingency planning in dam safety; small hydroelectric power development and tidal and wave power; wave statistics, pipeline stability, wave - structure interaction and coastal modelling; and, computational models in hydraulic engineering. The book's key topics are explored in two parts - Dam Engineering and Other Hydraulic Structures - and the text concludes with a chapter on models in hydraulic engineering. Worked numerical examples supplement the main text and extensive lists of references conclude each chapter. "Hydraulic Structures" provides advanced students with a solid foundation in the subject and is a useful reference source for researchers, designers and other professionals.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-415-38626-5, 9780415386265
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Routledge

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