Devereux David
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"My name is unimportant, but you can call me Jack. I'm a musician bychoice, a magician by profession, and a bastard by disposition. I'd beendoing the magic thing for about five years when they found me. They said Ihad a talent, that I was smart enough and fit enough and enough of a shitthat I could serve my country in a way most people never even get to hearabout. And I did want to serve my country, didn't I? I didn't really wantto contemplate what might happen if I said no." And so Jack found himselfon the front line of a secret war that most people simply wouldn't believewas possible. Working for a secret organisation tasked with defending ourcountry from whatever supernatural threat faces it. MI5 know nothing aboutand would laugh if they found out. Well at first they would ...Whetherwiping out a group of demon summoners, infiltrating a coven determined toassassinate the PM or rooting out a neo-nazi sect who are trying to bringback Hitler from the dead Jack is a very modern sort of magician - trainedin a variety of the dark arts but also a dab hand with a Heckler and Koch,skilled in unarmed combat and electronic surveillance.David Devereux hascombined the action writing of McNab and Ryan with dark supernaturalthrills and produced a blistering new breed of supernatural thriller.
ISBN: 978-0-575-08224-3, 9780575082243
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Gollancz

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