Human Croquet

Kate Atkinson
Human Croquet
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A brilliant new novel from the author of the Whitbread prizewinner Behind the Scenes at the Museum. Once it had been the great forest of Lythe - a vast and impenetrable thicket of green with a mystery in the very heart of the trees. And here, in the beginning, lived the Fairfaxes, grandly, at Fairfax Manor, visited once by the great Gloriana herself. But over the centuries the forest has been destroyed, replaced by Streets of Trees. The Fairfaxes have dwindled too; now they live in ‘Arden’ at the end of Hawthorne Close and are hardly a family at all. But Isobel Fairfax, who drops into pockets of time and out again, knows about the past. She is sixteen and waiting for the return of her mother - the thin, dangerous Eliza with her scent of nicotine, Arpège and sex, whose disappearance is part of the mystery that still remains at the heart of the forest.
Data wydania: 1998
ISBN: 978-0-552-99619-8, 9780552996198
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Black Swan


Kate Atkinson Kate Atkinson
Urodzona 20 grudnia 1951 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii (York)
Kate Atkinson - brytyjska pisarka. W 1974 ukończyła studia magisterskie z zakresu literatury angielskiej na University of Dundee. W 1995 za swoją pierwszą powieść Za obrazami w muzeum otrzymała nagrodę Whitbread Book Award. Była dwukrotnie zamężna i...

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Wszystkie książki Kate Atkinson

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