How Personal and Internet Security Works is a stunning four-color illustrated title that shows in vivid detail the many dangers faced by those who use the Internet to send or receive email, surf the Web, conduct personal business, use a credit card, or even travel to airports and it also illustrates how those dangers can be solved. Lions, Tiger and Bugs, oh my! Here are just a few stats that can scare most consumers into learning more about the technology behind the unsafe threats to personal and Internet security including: The U.S. Federal Trade Commission received 247,000 consumer complaints in 2004 (up 15% from 2003), from individuals whose identity was stolen. (2/2005) Americans lost $548 million dollars to identity theft and consumer fraud in 2004. Fraud and identity theft cost consumers at least $437 million dollars in 2003These fascinating topics are demystified in a way that also provides guidance to those concerned about possible security breeches on their computer and in their lives.