How Can We Solve Our Social Problems? discusses how we can take specific, realistic steps to solve a number of the world's social problems. Author James Crone maintains a sense of sociological objectivity throughout, and without moralizing, describes what could be done to solve some of the most pervasive social problems in America today. The suggestions in this book help students realize that we can take action -- we can take steps to solve our social problems. Key Features:ĂÂ ĂÂ Presents a theory of conflict and social change: The author introduces his own theory replete with theoretical propositions and causal model so readers can more readily see the process of a social problem and where it is along the path of being solved. Gives students studying social problems a sense of hope: Realistic suggestions help readers realize that a number of tangible steps can be taken to solve or at least ameliorate our social problems. Examines eleven specific social problems in American society: The book examines such issues as poverty, racial and ethnic inequality, unequal education, environmental problems, and much more, and illustrates how solving one social problem can also help ameliorate another social problem. Encourages students to think sociologically: While each social problem described is tied back to a theoretical perspective, students are encouraged to gain an appreciation of how social conditions greatly affect what we think, what we believe, and how we act. Intended Audience:ĂÂ ĂÂ This is an excellent supplemental text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses such as Social Problems, Social Change, Social Policy, Urban Sociology, Public Policy, and Social Welfare in the departments of Sociology, Social Work, Political Science, International Studies, and Economics.