Handbook of Toxic Plants of North America

George Edward Burrows
Handbook of Toxic Plants of North America
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This user-friendly handbook on plants poisonous to animals has been written and organized to serve the needs of veterinarians, livestock owners, and students. Authors Burrows and Tyrl combine the insights of a veterinary toxicologist with that of a botanist and taxonomist to provide a quick reference for individuals who deal daily with livestock or companion animals in natural settings where plant poisoning may occur. The authors have previously been acclaimed for providing easy accessibility to information in their comprehensive 2001 reference work Toxic Plants of North America that was quickly established as the gold-standard book for those requiring information on plants poisonous to animals and humans on the North American continent. Now, to satisfy the needs of veterinary clinicians, ranchers, farmers, animal scientists, toxicologists, and other diagnosticians, Burrows and Tyrl have organized this handbook by body system affected, then subdivided by clinical manifestations. Each chapter begins with a table of the plants affecting a given system, e.g., plants affecting the liver and causing necrosis. The table lists those plants and comments briefly on the salient signs. It also includes plants that would produce the same effect but will be detailed in other chapters. For each plant, signs, pathology, treatment, and problems and causes are discussed followed by general information on the plant, keys to identification of that plant, illustrations, and location maps.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-8138-0711-9, 9780813807119
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Iowa State University Press

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