The study of dementia is gaining increasing importance around the world. With population growth and ageing societies, dementia and dementia care has an increasingly powerful effect emotionally and economically on individuals, families and communities. Early identification and initiation of dementia offers a better chance of improving the quality of life for patients, of increasing the support to their caregivers, and using shared resources to the best effect. It is important that health professionals and the general public should be sensitive to the presence of this disease, it's nature, prospects for treatment and optimal patterns of care. "Handbook of Dementia" aims to provide, within one volume, a user-friendly review of current knowledge and thinking. It contains chapters on diagnosis, clinical features, assessment, management of cognitive impairment and non-cognitive dysfunctions, nursing care, community care, as well as reviews of current global perspectives and research on dementia. This book will prove to be an excellent reference for physicians, psychiatrists, neurologists, geriatricians, GPs, nurses, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, social workers, caregivers and family members of dementia patients.