South America's often overlooked English-speaking country lies far off thewell-trodden tourist path. Guyana is the ideal destination for thediscerning visitor seeking adventure. Within its vast interior, the GuianaShield (one of the four pristine tropical rainforests left in the world)converges with the Amazon Basin, creating a unique geography composed ofcoastal waters, mangroves, marshes, savannas, mountains and tropicalrainforests. Bordered by Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname and the AtlanticOcean, the lively locals - a melting pot of East Indian and Africandescendants, peppered with Chinese, Europeans and Amerindians - create aculture decidedly more Caribbean than Latin. . The only guide in Englishdedicated solely to Guyana. . Numerous activities such as jungle survivalcourses, river trips to isolated Amerindian villages, birding tours andpiranha fishing. . Where to see wildlife, from the million-acre IwokramaCentre for Rainforest Conservation and Development to the lesser-knownKanuku Mountains, one of the last remaining pristine Amazonian habitats.