Global Risk/Global Opportunity

S. Maital
Global Risk/Global Opportunity
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This book provides business leaders, managers, and consultants with tools that help strategize the future along with illuminating the past. It is an attempt to show how independent-thinking managers, using basic economic tools, can track the three elements that together drive the world's complex and somewhat unstable economic system-minds, markets, and money. Once they understand these three elements, they can transform global risk into business opportunities. Taking the global economic crisis as the background, the book illustrates how managers can identify the early signs of future crises. Written in an anecdotal style, the book is packed with case studies covering major episodes of risk and crisis. It also elucidates various action learning tips and definitions. It is a must read for practicing managers, market analysts, industry experts and consultants. Management students will also find it very useful.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-81-321-0443-8, 9788132104438
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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