Summary This book explores problems of unequal access to information and provides busy information professionals with practical advice, case studies, and useful examples so that any library can take steps to improve access to information for all. One of the unique strengths of the book is the use of case studies from around the world to illustrate the wide range of possibilities for equitable access and library service delivery in a global context. Written in a simple, thorough, and multidisciplinary approach, the book provides international comparisons, identifies characteristics of successful library initiatives, and offers practical real-life examples of equitable library services to the audiences who most need them.Key Features Provides readers with an overview of possibilities for equitable library service delivery in a global context Is highly readable for busy information professionals Provides readers with advice, case studies, and examples particularly useful for practitioners Case studies paired with candid interviews with librarians which are thoughtful, engaging, and illuminating Written in a simple, thorough, and multidisciplinary approach, the book offers insights to students, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and professionals The Editor Deborah H.Charbonneau is a Librarian at the Vera P. Shiffman Medical Library at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She currently serves as Principal Investigator for the U.S. National Library of Medicine-funded Urban Health Partners program. She facilitates partnerships between the library and community agencies and has also developed training programs and online products to provide information to diverse populations. Readership This book has a wide appeal and is applicable to various library environments (including academic, public, and special libraries).In addition, this book will be of interest to library and information science students and related educators and students. Overall, this book is a valuable resource for both practitioners and students interested in ensuring equitable access to information for all citizens.Contents Introduction Part I Information mobilisation: social and economic development Sustainable access: an international perspective Developing a model for library resource sharing in China's rural communities Braving rapids and winding timber-tracks: towards equitable access to information for libraries in Sarawak Community resource centres in Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma regions in Tanzania: an evaluation of their development needs, usefulness and the way forward Part II Information empowerment: equitable access and civic engagement Is there a moon in the United States?; information reception, flow and use in rural villages on the Amazon river basin of Peru I have the right to know: libraries and citizen participation in Chile Equity and access: is countrywide access to databases an option?Part III Social inclusion: inclusive library services for those with sensory and learning disabilities Working together to provide an inclusive library service: a Canadian model Copyright: are people with sensory disabilities getting a fair deal?Part IV Information divides: challenges and opportunities for a global information society Bookmobiles: providing equitable service to all When the knowledge ditch is dug by our own hands: libraries, indigenous peoples and strategic information MedlinePlus Go Local: connecting at-risk populations with health care services Barriers to free and equal access to information: implications for being informed in sub-Saharan Africa.