Gleason Grading Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

B. Mahul
Gleason Grading Prostatic Adenocarcinoma
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This atlas is the first comprehensive and definitive reference devoted to Gleason grading, the system used to determine prostate cancer stages. Written by four eminent authorities in urological pathology, the authors have brought together their collective expertise and consensus opinion in Gleason grading.The principles of the Gleason system were established on the basis of observations made primarily from 14-gauge needle biopsies, transurethral resections and simple prostatectomies. With the increasingly heavy reliance on this system for clinical management, interobserver variability in reporting must be minimised.The aim of this book (containing over 300 images) is to expose practicing pathologists to the entire spectrum of possibilities (morphologic and clinical), as this should assist in attaining more robust nterobserver reproducibility. The book will be useful to pathology trainees, urologists, and anyone interested in prostate cancer.The system has for the first time now been endorsed by the World Health Organisation as the standard, also the AJCC.UICC TNM manual (2002) has now incorporated the Gleason system.FEATURES:Over 300 full colour photomicrographs which represent the entire spectrum of the Gleason Grading System * Contains illustrative case examples from the authorÂÂs collections highlighting the pitfalls and problems of applying the Gleason grading system to contemporary techniques in pathology.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7817-4279-5, 9780781742795
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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