Getting Started in Computer Music

M. Nelson
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This book introduces readers to how music is made today using the home PC or Macintosh computer. Readers will learn, generally, what computer processing hardware is needed, but this book focuses primarily on showing readers how music is made on the PC. Readers will learn about the connections needed to get audio (instruments, vocals, etc.) into their computers and record it. They will be introduced to much of the software that is used in creating and recording music. They will learn about MIDI intstruments and controllers (devices for making and controlling sound in the computer). They will learn how effects are applied, how music is mixed, and how songs are mastered in the computer. They will learn about ancillary gear-including hardware mixers, amplifiers, and speakers-that will help make their home music-making experience complete.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-59200-842-1, 9781592008421
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: TEP - Thompson Educational Publishing

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