This anthology of practical advice from more than 50 eminent gardeners isfull of wit, wisdom and experience. Comprising extracts on subjects asvaried as water gardens and window-boxes, lettuce and lupins, it offersinsights into the patience and versatility required of the successfulgardener as he or she negotiates the vagaries of soil, climate and theseasons - to say nothing of the temperamental behaviour of differentplants. From the elegant prose of Sir George Sitwell, evoking thesea-maidens and gold-red fish that might lurk beneath the surface of awater-basin to Vita Sackville-West describing the glories of the scent ofthyme and Anna Pavord recounting her tribulations and triumphs with tulips,there is something here to inspire every gardener, whether novice orseasoned professional, all year round. Exquisitely illustrated with printsby the artist Angie Lewin, this is a delightful, useful and thoroughlyengaging book.