Further Insights into Semantics and Lexicography

Ulf Magnusson
Further Insights into Semantics and Lexicography
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"The volume contains papers presented at the conference ,,New Insights inot Semantics and Lexicography, held in Lublin, Poland, on 29-30 September 2005. The conference was organized jointly by the Department of English, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, and the Department of Languages and Culture, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden. The event, which brought together scholars from Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and Poland, provided a forum for discussion, especially from a cognitive linguistics perspective, of a wide range of issues pertaining to linguistic semantics, lexicographic theory and lexicographic practice. In particular, the areas of study covered by the papers include synchronic and diachronic lexical semantics, conterastive lexical semantics, metaphor in discourse, and the interface between semantics and syntax or morphology. Among the notions used are viewing, conceptual blending, imagery and motivation. The lexicography papers deal with the history of the field, with its latest developments and practical proposals for language pedagogy."
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-83-227-2636-5, 9788322726365
Wydawnictwo: UMCS

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