Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, by Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright is specifically written to provide a complete introduction to human resource management. While it doesn't cover the depths of human resource management theory, the book is rich with examples and engages students through application. Fundamentals differs from the hardback textbook by the same author team. Instead of a higher level of theory that's geared towards the HRM majors, this book focuses on the uses of human resources for the general business manager. Issues such as strategy are reduced to give a greater focus on how human resources management is used in the everyday work environment. It provides students with the background necessary to manage human resources effectively and to be able to distinguish good from poor human resource management practices and how they impact business. Instructors are provided with a robust ancillary package that includes a comprehensive instructor's manual, test bank, PowerPoint presentation and a complete Online Learning Center to make course preparation easy.Final presentation determined after author meetingA practical focus on what human resource staff DO, rather then theory and statisticsLearning Objectives will be called "What Do I Need to Know" will be numbered in the text to reinforce the topics in the bookSummary at the end of the chapter will recap "What I Need to Know" points from the beginning of the chapterA Self-Assessment/Knowledge test or quiz will appear at teh end of each chapter.BusinessWeek cases will be at the end of the chapters that will be written at the appropriate level for this market.This focus in more important to the general manager and those students who do not intend on being an HR professionalDirectly brings attention to the key topics included in the chapter into focus for the student.Short paragraph summaries with key points that are simple and reinforce the learning objectives.Hands on learning to reinforce the content of the chapterReal world experiences that make the material come alive for the student