Forensic Engineering

Kenneth Carper
Forensic Engineering
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This new edition of Forensic Engineering updates the original work with new case studies and investigative techniques. Contributors to the book are the foremost authorities in each area of specialization. These specialty areas include fire investigation, industrial accidents, product liability, traffic accidents, civil engineering and transportation disasters, and environmental systems failures. Each chapter includes discussions of guidelines, techniques, methods, and tools employed in accident investigation and analysis. In addition, the book contains vital information on forensic photogrammetry, the planning and writing of reports, and the presentation of evidence as an expert witness in traditional litigation. The book also analyzes the role of the forensic engineer in the evolving methods of alternate dispute resolution. Overall, Forensic Engineering is a tremendously valuable reference for forensic experts practicing in all engineering fields, as well as design and construction professionals, attorneys, product manufacturers, and insurance professionals. It is also as an excellent supplemental text for engineering and law students.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-8493-7484-5, 9780849374845
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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