This Bristol-based team has taken many opponents by surprise. RisingEngland under-21s Chalk, King and Peel are teamed up with seasonedinternationals from Nigeria, Italy and France. French striker Asloum andLatvian teenage sensation Janis Duda netted 47 goals last season. Can YOUdo better? During the 1980s Jon worked for Games Workshop as the editor ofthe White Dwarf and Warlock magazines. He has written or co-authored over100 books including a series of real-life gamebooks for Andre Deutsch anda series of two-player gamebooks for Methuen. Jon lives in rural Suffolk,but is a life-long Chelsea supporter and admirer of their new owner. He isa frequent visitor to Stamford Bridge, and used to take up his position inThe Shed along with the other die-hards on cold winter nights when Chelseawas in the wilderness not wonderland! During the 1980s Gary worked for awhile as the game development manager for Games Workshop, during whichtime he edited and illustrated the Talisman boardgame, which, for the nextfour years, was the best-selling fantasy game on the market. His children'sbook work has included four full-colour picture books for DorlingKindersley and the illustrations for Mossflower series by Brian Jacques.Gary currently lives in Normandy where he's supposed to be renovating anold farmhouse. As a result, he never knows who to cheer for in aninternational match . . .