This book is the first basic guide for aspiring fashion designers. Itfully explains the fundamental concepts surrounding the business offashion design from both a creative and marketing perspective. Designed asa flow chart, the book walks the reader through the steps necessary whendeveloping a collection and highlights the key points in the process, fromthe genesis of an idea through to the production of a final design. Acomplete reference, this book also includes a listing of the major fashionschools around the world, and illustrates the paths taken by some of themost distinguished designers that got them where they are today.Macarena San Martín studied graphic, industrial, and audio-visual designin her native Chile. A student exchange in Italy prompted her to return toEurope to further her studies, and upon graduating she relocated toBarcelona. Here she achieved a Masters in Fashion Styling and sooninvolved herself with the editorial world, where she combines her parallelinterests of design and fashion. Paperback 400 photos/illustrations192 Pages, Size (mm): 170 x 225