This fully updated second edition provides clear guidance on the procedures for tackling subsidized imports in the EU and practical advice when embarking upon the relevant anti-subsidy proceedings.
In one comprehensive work EU Anti-Subsidy Law and Practice looks at EU rules and their practical interpretation, and includes comment on avoiding procedural pitfalls when preparing a case. The reader is guided through the legal and practical considerations while taking into account how the World Trade Organisation and EU rules interact.
- Provides clear guidance on the processes and powers of the European Commission in relation to anti-subsidy and the handling of anti-subsidy investigations
- Addresses the concept of subsidisation and defines what a subsidy is
- Looks at the circumstances in which subsidised imports cause injury to a community industry, helping to determine when a case can be made
- Provides clarity on the definition of Community Interest
- Looks at what countervailing measures involve and how they work
- Provides commentary on when a subsidy could be a target of countervailing measures
- Provides flowcharts explaining the processes involved in taking a case to court and the role that the
- European commission Advisory Committee plays
- Includes expert comment that alerts you to procedural pitfalls when preparing a case Looks at the practical interpretation of the EU rules and enables you to learn from the outcomes of previous cases
- Explores the remedies and possible means of resolution available that avoid escalation of a case to countervailing measures
- Looks at how EU and WTO rules interact and interprets the ways in which the international rules of the WTO have been handled by the European Commission