Esther Through the Centuries

J. Carruthers
Esther Through the Centuries
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This interdisciplinary commentary ranges from early midrashic interpretation to contemporary rewritings introducing interpretations of the only biblical book not to mention God. It unearths a wealth of neglected rewritings inspired by the story's relevance to themes of nationhood, rebellion, providence, revenge, female heroism, Jewish identity, exile, genocide and 'multiculturalism'. It reveals the various struggles and strategies used by religious commentators to make sense of this only biblical book that does not mention God. It asks why Esther is underestimated by contemporary feminist scholars despite a long history of subversive rewritings. It compares the most influential Jewish and Christian interpretations and interpreters. It includes an introduction to the book's myriad representations in literature, music, and art.
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-1-4051-3213-8, 9781405132138
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Blackwell Science

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