Essential Study Skills Complete Guide to Success atUniversit

T. Burns
Essential Study Skills Complete Guide to Success atUniversit
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Essential Study Skills is designed to be the complete practical guide to academic success covering everything from what it means to be a university student to how to succeed in exams. `The effect on our students was like star dust!' Anne Schofield, Ruskin College, Oxford, commenting on the authors' teaching Whether you are nervous and worried about studying - or someone who is already reasonably happy with their study techniques - this book is designed to develop your potential and build your self-confidence as it takes you through all the stages of producing high quality academic work. Essential Study Skills includes information, activities, advice and step-by-step guidelines on: people to see and places to go at college or university; organization and time management; learning and studying; targeted research and active reading; memory and learning style; revision and exam techniques; active, creative and reflective learning; successful notemaking strategies; ways of overcoming fear and building self-confidence; assessment procedures; successful communication techniques; and, the what, why and how of essays, reports, presentations, seminars and exams.
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7619-4958-9, 9780761949589
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: SAGE Publications Ltd

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