First published in 1958, Salvato's Environmental Engineering has long been the definitive text/reference for generations of sanitation and environmental engineers. Having developed through each edition with the growth of the profession, the current book covers topics as disparate as landfills, water treatment, recreational facilities, and food handling in restaurants.  Approaching its 50th year of continual publication, Environmental Engineering, must adapt once more to the current state of the field and how its practitioners work in the real world. As the field became more complex and scientifically demanding, students and professionals have specialized, fracturing a once homogenous profession into dozens of specializations (water, wastewater, geoenvironmental, food safety, industrial pollution, air quality, environmental science, land use planning, etc.) The 6th edition of Environmental Engineering has been divided into 3 volumes to provide just the right information to its target audience, while allowing for a more thorough and targeted update, and producing a smaller, more nimble text. The three volumes can be roughly divided into Water, Wastewater and Soil, Public Health and Disease Prevention, and Municipal Infrastructure, Land Use and Industry.