Emphasis on student and instructor assessment–Utilizes text elements such as Chapter Objectives, Assessing Objectives and Practical Perspectives. * Allows students and instructors to more easily meet the standards set by ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). Four color design–Appeals to today's visual learners and aids in chapter navigation. Triple-accuracy checked. Art program–Maximizes the impact and clarity of each chapter's subject matter. * Chapter opening photographs–Present fascinating real-world applications of the "Practical Perspective" problem that is presented. Student Study Guide–Web-based study guide for each Chapter that focuses the reader, poses questions throughout, and suggests problems to try. Chapter Tests–Available on the Web for instructor, who can choose to make them available to students. Each test is designed to be completed in 30 minutes and focuses on the Chapter Objectives. Four different versions of each test are provided. Student Workbook–Available on the Web and covers nine key problem-solving techniques with detailed, step-by-step solutions, additional examples, and practice problems.Table of Contents1. Circuit Variables. 2. Circuit Elements. 3. Simple Resistive Circuits. 4. Techniques of Circuit Analysis. 5. The Operational Amplifier. 6. Inductors, Capacitors, and Mutual Inductance. 7. Response of First-Order RL and RC Circuits. 8. Natural and Step Responses of RLC Circuits. 9. Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis.10. Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations.11. Balanced Three-Phase Circuits.12. Introduction to the Laplace Transform.13. The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis.14. Introduction to Frequency-Selective Circuits.15. Active Filter Circuits.16. Fourier Series.17. The Fourier Transform.18. Two-Port Circuits.Appendix A. The Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations.Appendix B. Complex Numbers.Appendix C. The Decibel.Appendix D. Bode Diagrams.Appendix E. An Abbreviated Table of Trigonometric Identities.Appendix F. An Abbreviated Table of Integrals.Appendix G. Answers to Selected Problems.