Drugs and the Future

David J. Nutt, Gerald V. Stimson, Martin Ince, Trevor W. Robbins ...
Drugs and the Future
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Drugs and the Future presents 13 reviews collected to present the new advances in all areas of addiction research, including knowledge gained from mapping the human genome, the improved understanding of brain pathways and functions that are stimulated by addictive drugs, experimental and clinical psychology approaches to addiction and treatment, as well as both ethical considerations and social policy. The book also includes chapters on the history of addictive substances and some personal narratives of addiction. Introduced by Sir David King, Science Advisory to the UK Government and head of the Office of Science and Technology, and Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the USA, the book uniquely covers the full range of disciplines which can provide insight into the future of addiction, from genetics to the humanities. Written for a scientific audience, it is also applicable to non-specialists as well.
Data wydania: 2006-09-29
ISBN: 978-0-12-370624-9, 9780123706249
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press
Kategoria: Medycyna
Stron: 616


David J. Nutt
Urodzony 16 kwietnia 1951 roku w Wielkiej Brytanii
David John Nutt – brytyjski psychiatra i psychofarmakolog, profesor w Imperial College London. W swoich badaniach zajmuje się tematyką uzależnień, lęku i snu. Pracował jako doradca brytyjskich ministerstw: obrony, zdrowia oraz spraw wewnętrznych. Od...

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