The reference the British Journal of Dermatology called "a tour-de-force" and "an outstanding and practical atlas of skin diseases" is back in a fully revised New Edition! This invaluable resource examines clinical features, diagnosis, laboratory investigations, and treatment for all skin disorders, both common and rare. More than 2,000 outstanding full-colour illustrations and a new Image Bank on CD-ROM offer readers invaluable diagnostic assistance by depicting how diseases present in real life.Discusses the full range of conditions, including ethnic skin, paediatric dermatology, the genoderma-toses, HIV, drug reactions and diseases of pregnancy. Help readers find answers to their clinical questions quickly with a consistent organisation and concise writing the provides exactly the right amount of information to make an informed diagnosis.Collects valuable management guidance together in a single new chapter, "Overview of Treatment". Makes clinical guidance even easier to find with 100 new summary, tips and pitfalls, and practice points boxes. Features a bonus CD-ROM that includes all the images from the book, a slide-making package and a tool to group images according to diagnosis.