Dirty Sweet Wild

Julie Kriss
Dirty Sweet Wild
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The stripper who came to my door got the wrong apartment. I was planning to tell her. But she kissed me first. Max You’d never know I’m a millionaire. I wear jeans and t-shirts. I’m a recluse. Afghanistan left me with scars inside and out. All I want is to be left alone. I sure as hell didn’t order the stripper who showed up. All I know is that the hottest, sweetest woman I’ve ever seen is naked in my lap. I don’t even know her name, but I want her. No good can come of this. And suddenly, I don’t care. Gwen I strip for money. It’s just a job. Until I meet Mr. Wrong Apartment. He’s big and dangerous. Grumpy and damaged. Biceps that make me want to cry. One wrong house call, and suddenly I’m breaking my own rules. Things are spinning out of control. We’re both broken. Maybe we can’t be fixed. Together we’re fire and gasoline. But I might let everything burn if he’ll just touch me one more time… **Standalone full-length romance with no cliffhanger and no cheating.**  
Data wydania: 2017-05-08
ISBN: 978-0-9959675-1-9, 9780995967519
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Julie Kriss
Cykl: Bad Billionaires, tom 2
Stron: 200
dodana przez: katapika

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