Back in Black

Julie Kriss
Back in Black
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I've never been a hero. I'm the lawyer every third-rate criminal calls when he's been arrested - again. Or I was, until one of my clients became one of the richest men in the country. Now I'm supposed to clean up my act. It isn't so easy. I dress more like a biker than a lawyer, and I have friends in low places. As for women, ten years ago the divorce from hell left me scarred - I live alone, I sleep alone. Trust me, it's for the good of womankind. Then Charlotte showed up on my doorstep. Willing to work as my assistant to pay off her brother's legal bill. Beautiful and determined, even against the men trying to hurt her. She tells me I drive her crazy. She drives me crazy right back. I hired her. I watched her turn my life upside down. I saved her. I knocked her up. And then I fell for her. They say a bad boy can't be a good man. But they've never met me. And they don't know how determined I can be. The Bad Billionaires series: Book 1: Bad Billionaire Book 2: Dirty Sweet Wild Book 3: Rich Dirty Dangerous Book 4: Back in Black  
Data wydania: 2017-10-18
ISBN: 978-0-9959675-4-0, 9780995967540
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Julie Kriss
Cykl: Bad Billionaires, tom 4
Stron: 204

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