David Busch's Nikon D60 Guide to Digital SLR Photography

David D. Busch
David Busch's Nikon D60 Guide to Digital SLR Photography
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Have you unpacked your new Nikon D60 digital SLR camera and want to get started right away taking great pictures? "David Busch’s Nikon D60 Guide to Digital SLR Photography" will show you how, when, and, most importantly, why to use all the cool features and functions of your camera to take eye-popping photographs. Introductory chapters will help you get comfortable with the basics of your camera before you dive right into exploring creative ways to apply the D60’s exposure modes, focus controls, and electronic flash options. More comprehensive than any of the pocket-sized camera guides, this book is chock full of hands-on tips for choosing lenses, flash units, and software products. Beautiful, full-color images illustrate where the essential buttons and dials are, so you’ll quickly learn how to use your Nikon D60, and use it well.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-1-59863-577-5, 9781598635775
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Delmar Publishers


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