Dantès Unglued

Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott
Dantès Unglued
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When private investigator, Shane Stephens, is hired by the mayor of Cincinnati to track down the hacker who has been threatening him, Shane is sure this is the opportunity to launch the Merleau Detection Agency into the big time. He even convinces Rowe Ward of Ward Security to loan him one of his best IT specialists, Quinn Lake. Shane, a man who prefers casual intimacy, is surprised by his attraction to the moody computer geek, but when Quinn suggests they have fun for the month he’s on loan, Shane happily agrees. Both men are expecting nothing more than a good time. But the investigation takes an unexpected turn and they quickly discover they are facing more than a hacker out to ruin the mayor’s re-election chances. And as they spend more time together, they realize their relationship may be a lot more than just a good time. With only weeks until the election, Shane and Quinn race to gather the proof they need while dodging bullets and possibly…falling in love.  
Data wydania: 2018-01-28
ISBN: 978-1-9843-4474-8, 9781984344748
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Drake and Elliott Publishing LLC
Cykl: Ward Security, tom 2
Kategoria: Literatura piękna
Stron: 246


Jocelynn Drake Jocelynn Drake Najstarsza z trzech dzieci, Jocelynn wychowała się i nadal przebywa w Cincinnati, Ohio. Zaczęła pisać gdy miała 12 lat. Życie jej przyniosło wiele zmian i niespodzianek, miłość, pisanie... Kiedy nie pisze (co nie jest zbyt często), lubi wędrówki po l...

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