Curves & Surfaces for Computer Graphics

David Salomon
Curves & Surfaces for Computer Graphics
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Computer graphics is important in many areas including engineering design, architecture, education, and computer art and animation. This book examines a wide array of current methods used in creating real-looking objects in the computer, one of the main aims of computer graphics. The key features: good foundational mathematical introduction to curves and surfaces; no advanced math required; topics organized by different interpolation/approximation techniques, each technique providing useful information about curves and surfaces; exposition motivated by numerous examples and exercises sprinkled throughout, aiding the reader; includes a gallery of color images, Mathematica code listings, and sections on curves and surfaces by refinement and on sweep surfaces; and Web site maintained and updated by the author, providing readers with errata and auxiliary material. This engaging text is geared to a broad and general readership of computer science/architecture engineers using computer graphics to design objects, programmers for computer gamemakers, applied mathematicians, and students majoring in computer graphics and its applications. It may be used in a classroom setting or as a general reference.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-387-24196-8, 9780387241968
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Springer

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