All wristwatches are true ‘micromarvels' of engineering, yetsome models have such enduring appeal that they attract the attention ofcollectors, investors and regular wearers alike. Now available in paperbackfor the first time, Cult Watches is a lavishly illustrated account of theworld's most popular classic timepieces - the top 30 that have achievedcult status, from the Rolex Submariner and the Tissot Banana Watch to theIngersoll Mickey Mouse watches and the ‘quartz revolution' Swatches.Watch-industry expert Michael Balfour introduces the great watchmakinginnovators, sets their horological masterpieces in context and discussestheir legacies.With future contenders for the status of cult watch alsoconsidered, this is a lively and informative history of some of the mostsought-after and desirable watches ever produced. . The first book devoted to the wristwatches with the most dedicatedfollowing . Each model and its brand is profusely illustrated with both historicaland contemporary images, for ready reference . An elegantly produced book that will appeal to watch enthusiasts,collectors and investors worldwide