Crossing Threshold of Hope

John Paul II
Crossing Threshold of Hope
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Fifteen years into his Papacy, and on the eve of the third millennium, Pope John Paul II goes to the heart of his personal beliefs and speaks with passion about the existence of God; about pain, suffering, and evil; about 'salvation'; and about the relationship of Catholicism to other branches of the Christian faith. With the humility and generosity of spirit for which he is well known, John Paul speaks forthrightly to all people. In this book the Pope responds to written questions by an Italian Catholic journalist originally planned for a television interview which never tookplace. Biblical index. General index. Published simultaneously in Italian and in other world languages
Data wydania: 1995
ISBN: 978-0-679-76561-5, 9780679765615
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Random House

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