Consumer Handbook on Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids

Richard Carmen
Consumer Handbook on Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids
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This book provides information to help those living with hearing loss enjoy life to its fullest. Anyone who has a hearing deficiency will benefit from the information on causes and management of hearing loss and the corrective products and resources available. Readers will get professional advice on the choices of hearing deices as well as point-by-point explanations of types and care of aids and tips for extending the life of the mechanism. More than just a clinical help, Hearing Loss & Hearing Aids examines the anger, frustration and denial faced by all people with hearing loss and provides counsel to help deal with the emotions
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-9661826-1-3, 9780966182613
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Auricle Ink Publisher

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